Hello Everybody! I hope you are all keeping well.
I want to use my website over this period as a way of staying in touch with everyone. I will be posting some videos, perhaps setting you some challenges, and also I may just use it to post a few light-hearted pieces to hopefully raise a smile or two. Please bear with me… …I’m not a wordsmith and being in front of a camera is not my preference so forgive the odd spelling mistake and the fact that my videos might not be highly polished.
These are what I hope to be the first of many videos that I’ll be posting over the next few weeks…
Video 1 – ‘The Warm-up’. This video is designed to warm up and loosen your muscles so is ideal as a short routine to start your day or a warm up for any of my other videos. It is a slightly slower version of the warm-up routine and comprises a comprehensive description of what you should be doing. At a later date I shall release a faster run-through of this routine for those of you who like to work at a slightly quicker pace. Please remember, the rules that apply to classes also apply to these videos – if anything hurts or is uncomfortable, stop doing it!
Video 2 – ‘The Matwork Quick Routine’. The exercises in this video are suitable for everyone and there should be no surprises for any of you – these are the exercises from your group classes. I would recommend that you do a warm-up routine first, such as Video 1 – ‘The Warm-Up’, before starting these exercises.
Please feel free to join in the discussions – with all this social distancing it would be nice to hear from you so please add your comments, email me some photos of you doing some Pilates, or just share whatever you are up to.
Well done for making these videos, Claire! Have just done the warm up one as a practice really, trying out makeshift mat and pillow and finding the right place so I didn’t bump into furniture ! In our sunny conservatory this morning and it was SO NICE to both see you and hear you running through the familiar exercises. I will do this every Thursday morning and maybe more often too.Thank you! Best wishes, Manda
Thank you Manda. Lovely to hear from you and glad you’re enjoying the videos. Look out for more to come! Claire.
It’s nice to help keep some routine! ‘See you’ next Thursday!!
Hi Claire
Enjoying the videos. It’s good to be talked through the routines rather than just doing them yourself. Makes you try and do them properly.!
Stay safe.
Just tried out the videos. Well done for doing them. Am going to make a real effort to do something every day now that I have taken the plunge. It was lovely to hear your voice and almost felt you were in the room! Hope you are well and coping with lock down. At least it’s stopped raining and we have had some lovely sunshine to improve the mood.
Hi Claire, Another lovely session.Thank you!
Hi Claire, I have finally got round to doing the videos and feel so much better already! Thank you for doing them, they are really helping during these difficult times and make me realise how much I’m missing your Pilates classes. I’m going to try and do them as much as I can and can’t wait for some more! Take care, Carolyn
Now I am getting into your routines and am finding them so useful! ValHG